
One of the most interesting things you can do in Valladolid is attending the Seminci Semana Internacional de Cine, International Film Festival. The 54th edition will be held between the 23rd to the 31st of October 2009. The main objective of VALLADOLID INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is to show and promote films of artistic quality which contribute to the knowledge of worldwide cinematography. The festival consits of the following sections:

a) OFFICIAL, offering a panorama of current international cinema. The feature-lengths and shorts in this section may participate in or out of competition.

b) MEETING POINT, a competitive parallel showcase of fiction films worthy of special attention for their subject matter or style.

c) TIME OF HISTORY, also competitive for documentaries.

d) SIDEBARS, devoted to the presentation and analysis of directors, genres, styles, a nation's cinema, etc.


If you are in valladolid in November, you will be lucky to see the International Tapas Competition, the most important tapas´event worldwide. During this week over 40 tapas bars of the city offer the participants´tapas to the regular customers